Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Next Perspective

If you have taken a view of your surroundings from a certain perspective, join into the fun of viewing it from a new one.  For example, if you have always viewed everything in the first person, take some time to view it in the third person.  Now I know what you are saying, it is harder to control yourself in the third person.  I have an easy fix for this, don't control yourself, just let everything happen and just enjoy.  Enjoy it like you would enjoy watching figure skating penguins or maybe even a Trnka titan versus an elephant.  Oh that would be quite enjoyable.  Also, to take a different perspective on things, We will have a new sort of segment starting this week and happening whenever I would like it continued.  Another perspective you could take would be the second person perspective.  Don't ask me how to do it, I don't even know, just enjoy it.  And don't forget, if you don't like it, just go back to first person, but be careful not to go to far and end up in the zeroeth person perspective.  Scary stuff there.

"Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships."

Shawn Davis

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