Saturday, May 22, 2010

Abracadabra Alakazam

That is my answer, and I feel it is the best answer out there.  Scientists are always out there trying to explain everything, and I can already do that, so I tell them to stop wasting their time.  If anyone has any questions, I can answer them, if you don't have any questions, I can still answer them.  So to start off, I will answer the question of a random topic, and in light of physics, I will make it gravity.  Gravity is not actually caused by mass and gravitational pulls of anything, you see, since the Earth has a magnetic field everyone is attracted to the Earth through magnetism.  There are different forms of magnetism, which explains why magnets as you believe them act the way they do towards certain thing.  But the main reason for which magnetism works to hold everything down consists of scheming doctors and governments.  You see, at birth we all have umbilical cords in order to use the parent to hold us down to Earth, or said planet, otherwise we would just be free floating.  The doctors immediately upon birth insert a special type of magnet which then begins its process of holding us down.  There is a lot more behind this as well.  The magnetic bond from this acts as a sort of rubber band, which is attached to said planet or object we are on, and upon being broken needs to be re-affixed to the being, and doing so has become easier with technology.  Now a days, we have tiny nano-bots that fly around and do all of this at a molecular level, but in our early days of space travel some odd thousands of years ago, the people who returned to Earth were first lassoed and pulled down, and then put through the grueling re-affixiation process, not fun.  Today it is much more simple and quick as well as pain free.  I feel this adequately serves to allow you to understand more about gravity, tune into the next session of Abracadabra Alakazam which will arrive sometime in the future, perhaps they will be here once a month or so, who knows, enjoy.

"There is a theory which states that is ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

Shawn Davis

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