Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Means To An End

A means to an end is not necessarily an end to means.  Means must be used in order to achieve things, and upon achieving said thing, another thing must be set forth to be achieved.  And not all things needing to be achieved need to be an end.  Also, upon achieving something, in order for there to be a means for life to continue, something must step into its place to be achieved, thus we find our selves to be in a means for means.  Meaning that we could just cut out the middle man, the thing to be achieved, and just have a means to a mean.  Does this mean anything to you?  Of course it might.  Let us not find a means to a mean, for upon that day there is no more mean.  To all, just stop with the means, make there be no means to anything, thus allowing us to be in a constant state of means, but be careful to not totally ignore the means, because then there would be no means at all, leading to no reason for life. Always have a means for means, but just don't do them, that is until the night before they are due, or even the morning before they are due.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death."

Shawn Davis

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