Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stardate Now

With the advent of supertechnologies it is understandable that people just take technology for granted.  This being so, we should attend to some of the reasons behind the advancements of such things.  Where do the ideas for all these crazy technologies come from.  It seems quite transparent that the apparent answer is Science Fiction.  The works of science fiction can attest to many of today's everyday items as their brainchild.  Why then is science fiction viewed as something for nerds and geeks when most people in the world today use these crazy ideas that were initially represented in science fiction.  If you look around your room and view any of the following objects you can either adjoin your name to the likes of geekdom and nerdocity, or simply accept the fact that science fiction is more important than it is viewed by everyday people (nice fallacy use):  Television, DVD's, Computers, Printers, Flash Drives, Avatar, Cheese, Paper, Air, Turkey, Juice, James Cameron, Ground, Gravity, Floor Boards, Board Rooms, Room Service, Service Specialists, Special Olympics, Olympic Athletes, Space Ships, Middle Aged Mutant Turtles, Eyes, Fingers, Light, Hamster Cages, Speakers, VHS Tapes, Liver Transplants, Rocket Ships, Pirate Ships, Battleships, Cameras, Snowmen, Hats, Dust, Color, Footballs, Couches, Water, Remotes, Shirts, Telephones, and if you could stretch your thinking a bit, you could probably even include phasers.  With such an extensive and profound list, you might be asking yourself, "wow, does science fiction impact anything else, or maybe important people like perhaps:  Stephen hawking, that one guy from the Universe on the Discover  Channel, Doc Emmit Brown, Thomas Thesing, Manhorse, Ron L. Hubbard, the crazy guy on the corner of the boulevard, the crazy guy that runs around with a giraffe outfit, Emelia Earhart,  Amadeus Mozart, Genghis Kahn, Spock, George W. Bush, Thomas the Train, geese, Nintendo, paper, Luke Brekke, Orson Scott Card, Lord Alfred Tennyson, the author of The Penguin Wars, AC/DC, Nikola Tesla, Chromium ions, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and what about the director of Der Untergang?"  And in asking yourself that, you may also want to get checked by a specialist, but that isn't the point, because yes, all of those people have been or are profoundly affected by science fiction, go ahead and don't ask them yourself.  Well, maybe not Orson Scott Card, but rest assured that the rest are all very affected by such writings.  End.

"All Your Base Are Belong To Us"

Shawn Davis

1 comment:

  1. I think this comic goes quite well with this post:
